
*NB: For details on how to update follow the documentation included in each download file.

*NB: Do NOT use this configuration utility if you are running firmware which we have modified for your specific application as part of our consultancy service. This utility is intended for standard products only.

Technical support for the BBTK 1-4 button USB response pad with 1024 position slider/fader

This utility allows you to easily select which mode you wish to run the response pad in.

You can also check button function, slider position and TTL input and output as well as previewing keyboard HID output.

The three available modes the response pad can be run in are summarized below:

  • Mode 1: Buttons produce keystrokes, 1, 2, 3 & 4.
    • Slider movement produces continuous keypresses: (left) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[]/;'. (right).
  • Mode 2: Buttons produce keystrokes, a, b, c & d.
    • Slider produces a 4 digit number followed by a return keypress once stationary, i.e. CRLF, for each of the 1024 positions it is moved, (left) 0000 to 1023 (right).
  • Mode 3: Buttons produce keystrokes, 1, 2, 3 & 4.
    • Slider movement produces a keypress once stationary: (left) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[]/;'. (right)

1-4 button USB response pad with 1024 position slider/fader configuration utility (Windows only)

Download keystroke configuration utility (released 20230620):
  • Enables you to select default mode
  • Enables you to configure the how many segments the slider is divided into, reporting delay and terminating characters
  • Allows you to test button function, slider position and TTL input and output


View USB Response Pad with Slider manual (released 20230620)


Before you download this utility ensure that your response device matches that shown.

Full step-by-step instructions are provided within the configuration utility. Depending on your antivirus package you may need to disable it while configuring your response device.

This configuration utility only works on Microsoft Windows platforms. Once you have selected the default mode the USB response pad will use those settings on any platform, e.g. Windows, Mac and Linux.

Who are we

Founded in 2003 by a team of psychologists, software experts and electronic engineers we are dedicated to improving the millisecond timing accuracy and experimental rigor of researchers in the behavioral and brain sciences.

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